Be the Change!
I was motivated to create this site after my experiences. Even after obtaining a B.S. in Project Management and other professional certifications, none of this means anything when you are pulled over by a police person or in the courtroom. I want others to share their experiences on this site as well as learn and be empathetic toward mine. I'm not trying to be the next Fred Hampton but I do want to start a revolution. I may not be as eloquent as James Baldwin but I do want to express myself in such a way that is compelling, entertaining as well as informative.
Please see this as a safe ground and be respectful of others' experiences and opinions. while freely sharing your own. No one is grading you here and we want this to be an open place to communicate.

"Be comfortable, being uncomfortable"

Thanks for your interest in Action Now. Please leave a suggestion for a discussion, blog topic, or input on what else you would like to see on the site. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!